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professional bio


Welcome to my website!
In this space, I share some of my professional experiences, activities and interests.

About Me

Hello! I'm a Brazilian based in Delft, The Netherlands.
I am driven by the curiosity on understanding the environmental processes and its interaction with society, always looking for improvement.
Over the years, I've been working with applied research to the development, implementation and integration of knowledge between water science and engineering. My will is to contribute with my background and skills to explore innovative and effective solutions to the upcoming engineering and environmental challenges, being able to bridge the gap between theory and practice.


Renata Correia
+31 0 633380931 / +55 41 996013393
Delft, SH - The Netherlands


2014 - 2016

MSc in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

Thesis title: “Topo-bathymetric data for hydrodynamic modelling with GIS support - a case study of Paraguay River Waterway.”
Advisor: Dr Tobias Bleninger

2010 - 2013

BSc in Environmental Engineering

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

Thesis title: “Scale analysis of environmental data for mixing and transport processes in outfalls systems - a case study of Cartagena submarine outfall.”
Advisor: Dr Tobias Bleninger


1. Correia, R. Guarneri, H. Bleninger, T. Improved bathymetry interpolation for hydraulic model development for the strongly meandering Paraguay River Waterway and its influence in numerical modelling. To be submitted in the Brazilian Journal of Water Resources.

2. Waydzik, F.A.; Guarneri, H.; Correia, R.; Ratton, P.; Tomas, G. P. Analysis of the area of influence for cargo transportation and logistics corridors applied to the case study of the Paraguay-Parana Waterway. 27º National Congress of Waterway Transportation, Naval and Offshore Construction (2018).[URL]

3. Ratton, E.; Neto, D. N.; Waydzik, F.; Correia, R. Methodology for environmental impact assessment of dredging services - case study of Paraguay River Waterway. Brazilian Journal of Management and Sustainability (2018).[URL]

4. Waydzik, F.; Zibetti, R. A.; Neto, D. N.; Correia, R. Regulatory practices, competitive advantages and supply chain between the countries of Paraguay-Parana Waterway agreement of fluvial transport. Anuario Hidrovías del Mercosur (2017). [URL]

5. Guarneri, H.; Ratton, P.; Correia, R.; Bleninger, T. Preliminary characterisation of the radius of curvature in channel navigation regarding inland waterways planning. 26º National Congress of Waterway Transportation, Naval and Offshore Construction (2016). [URL]

6. Ratton, P.; Tomas, G. P.; Correia, R.; Guarneri, H. Determination of critical stretches for navigation in large rivers. Case study of Paraguay River Waterway. 26º National Congress of Waterway Transportation, Naval and Offshore Construction (2016).

7. Correia, R.; Ratton, P.; Guarneri, H.; Ratton, E.; Queiroz, E. Evaluation of Paraguay-Parana Waterway fluvial infrastructure. 26º National Congress of Waterway Transportation, Naval and Offshore Construction (2016). [URL]

8. Muhlenhoff, A.; Correia, R.; Jimenez, P.S.J; Guarneri, H.; Gomes, J.; Fernandes, C.V.S. Evaluation of different objective functions during automatic calibration of Sacramento hydrologic model. XXI Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources (SBRH) (2015). [URL]

9. Frigo, A.; Guarneri, H.; Tomas, G.; Golyjeswski, O.; Waydzik, F.; Hoepker, R.; Bleninger, T.; Ratton, E.; Correia, R.; Ratton, P.; Barsotti, H.; Godoy, P. Analysis of the navigability condition of Paraguay River Waterway. XXI Brazilian Symposium on Water Resources (SBRH) (2015). [URL]

10. Correia, R.; Guarneri, H.; Bleninger, T. Tomas, G. P.; Ratton, P.; Ratton, E. Hydrodynamic modelling for navigability assessment in a Brazilian stretch of Paraguay River. 9 º SOBENA – Inland Navigation Development Seminar (2015). [URL]

11. Guarneri, H.; Correia, R.; Ratton, P.; Nadal, C. A.; Mouro, R.C.; Bleninger, T.; Ratton, E. Digital elevation model determination for large rivers. Case study: brazilian stretch of Paraguay-Parana Waterway. 9 º SOBENA – Inland Navigation Development Seminar (2015). [URL]

12. Correia R, Bleninger T, Guarneri H, Tomas G.P., Moro R.C., Waydzik F.A., Ratton P., Barsotti H.G., Ratton E., Bittencourt M. L., Gobbi M. F. and Godoy P. Determination of Paraguay River drought levels using hydrodynamic modelling integrated with a GIS. XXI Brazilian Symposium of Hydraulic Resources. Brasilia, 2015.

Work Experience

2014 - 2018

Transportation and Infrastructure Institute of Technology (ITTI/UFPR)

Research Engineer

From Graduate intern to Research Engineer, I worked as a team player and as a leader in various projects with applied research for the higher education industry, as the Brazilian Transportation Ministry (MT-DNIT), the Brazilian Waterborne Transports Agency (ANTAQ), the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) and State Secretaries of Environment (SEMA).
I was in charge of hydrodynamic models, studies of fluvial infrastructure, cargo trading, dredging projects, research proposals and environmental impact assessments for inland waterways and ports areas. In addition, my achievements included scientific publishing and delivering presentations.


LACTEC Institutes

Undergraduate Intern

As an undergraduate intern, I participated in the development of a Flooding Alert System in the Rio Grande watershed (Brazil), a partnership study between Deltares and CEMIG (Brazilian power company) through the Brazilian Research Institute LACTEC.
My responsibilities involved the SOBEK Suite model setup along with data assembly for model calibration and validation. In other projects related to hidropower plants monitoring, I was responsbible for technical reports revision and spatial data analysis.

2012 - 2013

The University of Sheffield

Visiting Student and Researcher

As a fellow by the Science Without Borders Programme (SWB), I was a visiting student and researcher at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering.
During one semester, I attended courses and research activities related to computational fluid mechanics and turbulent flows.

2011 - 2012

Federal University of Parana (UFPR)

Undergraduate Researcher

Sponsored by the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), I participated in the Brazilian Program of Research in Sanitation (PROSAB).
My project was related to the sedimentation sludge processes in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for storage tank designs. The assignments included field surveys, lab activities, technical reports and scientific publishing.

Skills and Interests

Technical skills

  • CFD (Delft3D;Hec-RAS)
  • ArcGIS; QGIS;
  • Python; MatLAB
  • LaTeX
  • MS Office


  • Hydraulic Engineering (rivers, ports and coastal engineering); Climate adaptation; Morphodynamics; Clean energy; Ports planning and supply chain; Water Resources management;
  • Mathematical modelling; Environmental surveying; Statistics and probability; Programming;
  • Cooking; Cinema; Sci-fi; Nature; Water sports; Wellness; Woodwork.

Here you can find out about some projects, activites and events I've been involved.

Paraguay River Waterway

Feasibility Studies

The project originated from a cooperation between the UFPR's Transportation and Infrastructure Institute of Technology and the Brazilian Transportation Ministry. It aimed at assessing the overall feasibility of the Paraguay River Waterway. Identifying environmental constraints, technical challenges and the economic potential for the waterway's consolidation. Click here to download the technical reports.

Paraguay-Parana Waterway and the Agreement of Fluvial Transport

Infrastructure and cargo trading studies

The project aimed to identify the regulatory practices of the signatory countries of the agreement, pointing out possible competitive advantages and adequacy needs of the Brazilian legal-institutional framework, as well as providing subsidies to government decisions in monitoring the agreement and in the policy to support river transportation, based on the supply and demand of cargo transportation, with a view to fostering the development of the Paraguay-Paraná waterway. Click here to download the technical reports

Anuario Hidrovias del Mercosur 2017

Magazine Article

Magazine article (p. 48-53) "Hidrovia Paraguay-Paraná: Diagnóstico de la infraestructura, análisis de las cargas e identificación de diferencias regulatorias". Check the article here


Project Presentations

Technical lectures containing the main results of the Feasibility Studies of Paraguay River Waterway.
The presentations ocurred in various Brazilian cities in the Waterway framework (Corumbá, Campo Grande, Cáceres, Brasília, Curitiba). Link for the presentation

Environmental Surveying

Flow and velocity measurements with ADCP, geodetic network implementation, sediment characterisation, port infrasctructure and cargo trading,

Paraguay-Parana Waterway Seminar

ANTAQ, Brasília 2018

On September 18, 2018, the Brazilian Agency for Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) promoted the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway Seminar. During this event we presented some results of the technical and institutional cooperation study between ANTAQ and UFPR/ITTI: "Regulatory practices, competitive advantages and supply-demand chains between the countries of Paraguay-Parana Waterway Agreement of Fluvial Transport".
We are confident that these studies contribute to the development of the Brazilian Inland Waterways and that it encourages its participation in the transport network.


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Hope to see you soon!

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(+31) 633380931 /
(+55) 41996013393


Delft, SH
The Netherlands